Why Get part 107 certified?


Why should my organization's drone pilots be Part 107 Certified?

Enhancing Public Safety: The Strategic Advantage of Part 107 Certification

Operational Flexibility

Part 107 allows for operations in various locations and situations that may not be covered by a COA.

Legal Compliance

Part 107 ensures knowledge of FAA rules, enhancing legal compliance and credibility.

Strengthen Interagency Collaboration

Part 107 certification facilitates smoother collaboration with other certified agencies, including federal, state, and local government bodies. This standardization helps in coordinating joint operations, working together during large-scale emergencies or disaster responses.

Credibility and Professionalism

Obtaining Part 107 certification demonstrates your agency’s commitment to professionalism and adherence to industry standards, which can enhance your reputation among the community and within the broader public safety network.

Expanded Funding and Grant Opportunities

Many federal and state grant programs, as well as funding opportunities, require or prioritize agencies with Part 107-certified pilots. Certification can unlock resources for expanding your drone program and investing in advanced technology.

Access to Commercial Capabilities

Public safety organizations might need to conduct operations that fall outside the scope of a COA, such as drone flight training exercises, inspections, school demonstrations or other non-emergency activities. Part 107 certification allows these operations to be conducted legally.

Risk Management and Safety

Part 107 emphasizes safety protocols, reducing the risk of accidents and liability.

Insurance and Liability Protection

Many insurance providers require Part 107 certification for coverage, ensuring the agency is protected against potential liabilities during drone operations.


Why do I need a Remote Pilot Certificate (Part 107 Certificate)?

Unlocking Opportunities: The Significance of Part 107 Certification for Drone Pilots

Legal Compliance

Flying a drone for commercial purposes (anything beyond recreation) without Part 107 certification is against the law in the United States. 

Professional Credibility

Clients and businesses seek certified drone pilots because certification showcases your commitment to professionalism and adherence to industry standards.

Access Lucrative Opportunities

Certification opens the door to high-paying jobs and contracts that are otherwise inaccessible to non-certified operators, allowing you to maximize your earning potential.

Insurance and Liability Coverage

Insurance companies view certified drone pilots as lower risks. Having Part 107 certification makes it easier to obtain liability insurance, protecting you and your clients in case of accidents or damages during drone operations.

Safety and Expertise

Part 107 training equips you with essential knowledge about airspace regulations, flight safety, and emergency procedures, ensuring safe and responsible drone operations.

Competitive Advantage

In a competitive market, certification sets you apart from hobbyist operators. It demonstrates your dedication to professionalism, making potential clients more likely to choose your services over uncertified competitors.

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